Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who You Gonna Call? Mama Elena Busters!!!

Like Water For Chocolate is a book unlike any other book i have read. The way they use magic realism, a word i had never even heard of until now, is very daring; but the chance was taken and the book was a hit. I for one am glad we read this book because it definitely broadened my view on ways to write/read literature. Anyways the way events unraveled in the book were very predicable for me, the family members dying and what not but not including the magic realism, that caught me off guard and took me a few reads to comprehend it. With that said i honestly don't believe this book would be what it is without it and it adds a whole new dimension when reading, much more emotional and depicts the passion a lot better.

The thing i cant believe the most about this book is the end.. WTF?? they die (or pass on to a different world) lol and the way it happens.. kinda worries me haha. It was very sudden and when pedro decided to pass through the portal rather than stay back i was very surprised, but not when Tita chose to come back, i actually kind of wish both of them would have chose to stay back in the "real" world just for the sake of Pedro's daughter Espauraza (or whatever) and alex? I'm pretty sure.. disappointing to me but either way still liked the book. another thing that trips my trigger is Tita's candle eating fetish im sure we were al surprised to read.. and the fact that she at them to re-create the pleasure she experienced earlier with her lover bloes my mind, no matter what is said about the subject i highly doubt anyone could find pleasure from eating a candle.. and if it was one of those smelly ones, YUCK!!! I hope she ate a bar of soap after that too lol. I did like the part when Mama Elena bursted into a flame though, that was easy for me to picture and i got the message of that one immediately. Also since it struck a oil lamp and hit Pedro was significant as well. But blah blah blah overall, i give it 7 out of 10 waffles.. deac score considering pride and prejudice was probably a 9 :)

can't wait for Bet Me now, but just from looking at the cover.. yikes.


  1. I agree with you on the ending of this book. The magic realism was very different and hard to follow.

  2. I was really suprised by the ending too! I totally thought Tita and Pedro were going to live long and happy lives togeher. At least in the end love prevailed.
