Wednesday, April 6, 2011

don't worry, be happy

I thought that the end of the story was emotionally satisfying. Tita and Pedro had a kind of natural death together which is how it should be. However I do not agree with sacrificing your life if your significant other would lose his/hers for what ever reason. There are so many couples that live their lives together, and eventually one ends up passing away at some point in time whether it is young or old, and just because one doesn't kill themselves over it doesn't mean that they didn't love each other. Why do you have to give your life if your other half loses theirs? I felt that Janie had no reason to give her life after Tea Cake because she just learned who she was in life. Life is about being happy and satisfied with who you are and the experience life brings you . If you don't like yourself then maybe you should get some help. I think one of the biggest factors to a good life is knowing who you are. If you can't love who you are then how do you expect to love anyone else?

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