Thursday, February 24, 2011

It Is What It Is

STRESS!!! i feel like i'm behind in every class and im freaking out. Especially after to day in class i found out we needed FOUR love letters not just one so i quickly added 3 journals to the end of it and hopefully it counts. Anyways its thursday and its my last day of school so i'm kicking in to carefree mode.
Back to the book, absolutely hate it. It is the scum between my toes, it makes me want to vomit. Love Travis.. now Little Rascals, thats a love story thats interesting :D im hoping that like many other books i have read in Dr.J's classes such as truck, will get better the further the book goes on and the more the story can develop. The things i wish i could change about the book is make it easier to read because right now i feel like i am reading a book that is wrote in the language that sloth speaks on the goonies.. ridiculous. hopefully its not just because i'm dumb but i think its more the book. i,m keeping my fingers crossed on this book so wish me luck!

Stay Classy San Diego


  1. I want so hard not to agree with you, but I do

  2. Travis, I agree with you that Little Rascals is a better love story than Wuthering Heights! Great movie!
