Thursday, February 24, 2011

I think I get this book ...

I am rather confused in a good, bad and intriguing way with this new book, Wuthering Heights. In a good way because it captures my attention; I want to know what is going on and why Emily Bronte writes in this way. Why these characters act the way they do, why the place is so dark, the setting is like ... a horror film. i.e. when the 'ghost' came into the picture I was confused. Is the ghost real or not? The ghost was bleeding, which means it is not a ghost but a real person? Plus it sounds like a good horror movie because I am into horror films.

A bad way because I don't know what is going on at all. There are so many characters that sound or start alike. I don't know who is who and it confuses and frustrates me because ... I just want to know who is who, what is what and what is going on in this story. It is supposed to be a romance or love story novel, but it all seems so dark and the total opposite of what most romance novels are.

Intruiging because it lures the reader in to know what is happening, why and how come the author writes in this way. Of course, I am frustrated with the dialogue and point of views, but I will continue to read this book. I like how it intruiges me, minus the fact that it makes me so frustrated with all the characters where as in Pride and Prejudice I was able to catch on with the characters even though there were a lot of them.

But at the moment, I can kind of sense the 'love' in this book because of (if i am correct) Heathcliff & Isabella thing and Heathcliff and Catherine and Catherine and Edgar thing? It's kind of like ... a love triangle between all of them, if they are present characters at the moment.

I just hope this book is as good as it sounds! :s

1 comment:

  1. i really like the love 4-some? in this book. I think it's just the strangest thing that Heithcliff and Isabella run off together. Later in the book it shows or at least i think that it shows Heithcliff really never got over feelings for Catherine and becuase he was so sad about the ghost. So why in the world would he run off with Isabella? to get back at Catherine?I predict that they really end up together because of her diaries and one of them was Catherine Heithcliff i think.
