Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh Mr. Darcy ...

I love this song! Just thought this song would describe Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy because they attempt to deny the fact that they have feelings for one another, but in the end it all comes out.

Otherwise, just finished reading the whole book (again) & I am always in love with the part where Mr. Darcy confides to Elizabeth that he loves her! I find it amusing every time I re-read the book or re-watch the many versions of the movie. He is so enchanting and cute in an odd way because of the way he carries himself so ... so arrogant or high in a 'sexy' gentleman like manner? :p I hope that makes sense; Mr. Darcy's character seems to be dark and mysterious at first apart from everyone else who appears to be very colorful and ... just out in the open (almost as if they are vulnerable although no one notices). Austen does a great job at concealing Mr. Darcy's life and why he carries himself that way. I love how he does not bother to argue or interact with people who gossip about the way he lives / acts and such. He does not bother because he knows it will be of no use to bother with people like that.

Other parts in the book that interest me was when Elizabeth finally agreed to marry Mr. Darcy and her other sister Mary didn't care to get out into the world. It's interesting how Mary didn't bother to, but Kitty kind of went out to explore and get a taste of life with Lydia, Jane and Elizabeth. Just thought it was odd and interesting how Austen summed up the last chapter with everyone being happy and satisfied. Then we have Mary who ... simply continues to live the way she daily does, I wonder how she would have fallen in love with someone.


  1. I agree with Mr. Darcy's character. At first you are made to assume he is arrogant and just too good for everyone, when he is really a great man. Being the first time reading this book, I was really hoping that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy would end up together. I kind of figured they would be, but it always makes a more satisfying ending to a love story when they live happily ever after.

  2. nice song choice lol its very relaxing and calm, something to listen to on a lazy day. very nice
