Friday, February 4, 2011

O geez..

Well I obviously am not off to a good start with the whole blogging idea. I completely forgot about it! Well, I guess it better late then never.
This week was very interesting in love stories. The book Pride and Prejudice I thought was going to be a snooze but actually I find it kind of interesting seeing how people portrayed themselves during this time. I also enjoy Elizabeth's "spunk" you could say because it's so different from how everyone else is acting. It's a real eye opener in how cultures and times differ from today.
Some of the questions that we when through sparked my interest. The question that particularly caught my attention was the one about marriage and Mrs. Bennet. The whole idea of marrying for economic purposes bugs me. A person should marry someone because they love them and want to spend the rest of there life with that person not just for more land or money.
I think maybe Mrs. Bennet is pushing her daughters to marry so much because they are starting to get older and most of the time men prefer a younger woman compared to one that is older. I'm glad age isn't that big of a factor today.

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