Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Early Bird Gets the Worm..

After being about half a day late on the last blog i figured i would get a jump start on this one and knock it out early so i do not have the chance to forget. Yesterday in class we went over marriage and education in consideration with the time era's of the two articles, pride and prejudice and today. It was very interesting to hear everyones ideas on the topic because they were so different depending on that persons age, but generally everyone agreed on a general analysis. To be honest this helped me understand the book a little better and gave me an overall greater knowledge on the subject.
As for pride and prejudice i have a hard time following this book because of its structure. generally this would not be a book that i would be interested in reading so i have to force myself to read it and with that being said i catch myself not taking in what i'm reading a lot of times. hopefully things come around and i magically start getting into this book, and im praying the movie is a little more interesting.


  1. I agree that this book was kind of hard to follow at first also. I thought to myself I might as well be reading a spanish book and keep looking in the back for translations to figure out what is being said. I'm surprised I have enough interest to keep reading it because I'm not quite sure if there is a point to it yet...

  2. "Pride and Prejudice" is a hard book to follow. The speech patterns are strange for modern readers. The story itself tries to be interesting, but is written in small conversations strung together with little description of characters and places. There is also the problem of refering to a single character by several titles.
