Thursday, March 31, 2011

Like Water for Chocolate

This book is different from the past ones we have read. Yet, the mother daughter connection seems similar to that in Pride and Prejudice. In this case Mama Elena is not looking out for her youngest daughter Tita.With Pride and Prejudice it was more evident that Mrs. Bennet was just trying to give her children a better life by having them get married off right away. In this case with Mama Elena, she is being very controling and is stuck in the families tradition. Sometimes these traditions should be broken. When Pedro asks for Tita's hand in marriage Mama Elena refuses for it to happen because it doesnt fit with the tradition that the youngest daughter has to take care of the mother. I think that is nuts! If two people are in love there mother should be happy and embrace that love not reject it.
In this novel I like the fact that the writting has magic realism added into it. Sometimes it can get kind of confusing but it can give a better understanding on how the character is feeling. The way Tita has such a deep connection with food seems quite comparable with people today. People have a way of showing their emotions through food. It could be anything really, from buring something when your sad or angery or having something turn out perfectly when your in the greatest of moods. People also use food for comfort when they are feeling down. They mostly just eat away their feelings but I think Tita does this in a different way. When she cooks it almost sets her free and gives her a chance to think of those who really seemed to care about her, Pedro and Nacha, and she lets her emotions flow through each thing she cooks. I can't wait to read more!

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