Friday, March 11, 2011

Their Eyes Were Watching God

After starting to read Their Eyes Were Watching God, I found it at times hard to read because of the way it was written.  The way the author had the characters speaking with thick accents made me visualize in my head the way they would be talking as if they were actually in the room with me.  I have heard people from the South talk with the thickness of this accent by I never really had to read it in a book.  I will say that it did help to not just read the words but to imagine the characters saying the words.  By doing this, it helped me to understand what was actually being said and not just have the words appear as almost gibberish.  I do agree with what was said in class about the fact had we actually been from the south, that we may have had no problem or at least not as much problem reading this book.  It is exactly like if a story had been written in some other accent, like Cockney perhaps.  I think it would have been even more difficult to understand because that is even more foreign to us because it is not something we are used to and at times reading something in another type of accent than what we are used to can almost seem like a book were written in a completely different language.


  1. I agree, the book is difficult at times to read because of the dialog. I did the same thing when I was reading by imagining the charectors speaking to each other. It takes me longer to read because I have to read through the dialect slowly at times but it is easier to understand that way.

  2. I never really thought of doing that but I should try because I also have the hardest time trying to figure out what is being said in conversations in this book.
