Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I'm really enjoying this book so far. Normally I'm a big fantasy reader, especially darker fantasy books (Anne Rice, definitely a favorite). But this class is really making me enjoy romance novels more, especially the style of novel that Wuthering Heights is. It is such a different type of love story than is normally depicted. I love the mysterious aura it has to the story. It's so destructive and unhealthy. All the characters have major flaws and at the very least, mental disorders. But I feel that is half the charm of the book, that such a dramatic love could exist between two people that are so hazardous. A few other bloggers mentioned Twilight, so I feel I must add my own feelings. Bella references Wuthering Heights many times throughout the series, especially during the third book, Eclipse. She analyzes the flaws of Catherine and Heathcliff and makes a very valid point, that frequently crosses my mind while reading it. She says that, "Their love is their only redeeming quality." I think this is a dead on statement when you analyze these two characters. Their love seems to bring out the only real decency as human beings.

Catherine's abrupt death caught me off guard, I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly but considering how sick she'd been, it should have been expected. It's hard to wrap your head around how easily people died back then, and how short their life spans were. I was disappointed, even though I didn't like Catherine, I thought the relationship between her and Heathcliff would be continued longer through out the book. But yet his mourning of her does continue that love, in it's own way. As much as Heathcliff has his flaws, and tyrannical aspects- I do love the mystery his character casts in the book. I think he is a really engaging character, one that is easy to hate but also easy to love. But maybe that's just me, or I'm just a sucker for broody, mysterious men in literature.

1 comment:

  1. I like the point you brought up about how love can be so distructive. I think this a lot of the point of the book. not just destruction of love but lack of love. Could things have been different if Heithcliff were actually treated right. I'm sure Catherine woudl still have married Edgar because of the money situation but i think that if Heithcliff had been treated right, he would at least have known how to handle the situation better and not be such a sociopath and take need for revenge.
