I watched numerous “Romantic” movies throughout Spring Break, ”Somebody Like You”, “Home Fries”, and “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend”. My feelings on each movie obviously ranged, since they al had different perspectives and completely different story lines...But one thing was for sure---true love overrides everything! Before I show my feelings on each, here is a link to each movie so that you can get a better feel of the different plots...http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0244970/, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119304/, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1447793/.
In “Somebody Like You”, I love Jane's strong feminist views towards men. However, it is unfortunately based solely on a bad break up. I knew right away that Hugh Jackman's character would be the best match for her. He also, was acting out from a bad breakup and being somewhat of a sexist pig. When they lived together as roommates, you knew nothing would stop them being in love. I never truly understood why Jane fell for her ex boyfriend in the first place, he seemed sleazy and I just wanted to slap her and wake her up. And then to find out that he was with her boss? IT just seemed too surreal. The one thing I did love though, was that through the breakup Janie creates a fake persona and writes about men being like cows; that once they have been with the “old” cow for too long they must move on to a young or “new” cow. Her analysis of the male psyche was extremely intriguing, but in the end all of her theories concerning a man's psyche was disproven. She falls for the sexist male pig and he ends up being the sweetheart and romantic. Her ex ends up with his original “old” cow, her boss. Either way I loved the whole ride, and I understood completely where Jane was coming from; I am sure all of us women have been there(or close to) before.
Now, “Home Fries” was a way out there love story. The whole time I just wanted to see Luke Wilson naked, but that unfortunately never happened. :( Drew Barrymore, was so naïve yet there was something particularly fascinating about her. The whole storyline was soemthing completely different than your average “romance” novel or movie. Drew Barrymore was a young pregnant woman, whose baby's daddy leaves her to go back to his wife. When the wife finds out about his affair, she sends her sons to kill him(they are in the air force and use the aircraft). The blonde son wants to kill him,, while Luke Wilson (being the kind and logical man he always is), just wants to scare him. Well, either way he ends up dead, and Luke Wilson goes “undercover” and works at the fast food restaurant that Drew Barrymore works at. They slowly fall in love, and when he tells her who he is she refuses him. I felt that she should obviously be pissed and confused, but she shouldn't have ignored him. I identified more with Luke's character than Drew's. He was stuck in a horrible mess of a family and fell for a woman who was carrying his stepfather's child. Even so, he lvoed her eternally and nothing would stop him from protecting her form his family and winning her back. Thankfully, everything worked out ok, and Drew finally came to her senses.
“My Girlfriend's Boyfriend” was something like you never seen before. At first, I thought that this is just going to be your average Romantic Comedy, but the ending was surprised. The movie leads you onto thinking That Alyssa Milano's character is dating both Ethan and Troy... Throughout the movie, I was hoping she would choose Ethan, the poor writer whom is the biggest sweetheart in the whole wide world. Troy was so obnoxious(though he acted as if it were subtle), and it seemd like he put himself before Alyssa Milano. He just seemed like a schmuck, and then when the amazing Ethan asks her to marry her, Troy asks her to move with him when he starts a new location of the company. My heart sank when she decided to move and she refused to tell Ethan what was going on. Ethan goes to her apartment, her brother tells him which airport she is at, and he goes to find her. She ends up not being at the airport, but waiting at his apartment, and you think “thank god” she is going to choose him. Yet, instead she says she can't go until she tells him something. He tells her how his story is being published, and we find out Troy was somebody fictional he made up in his story (which was weird at first, but if you watch the movie you can see the clues). Then she says she was going to go to a different state to move with her friend, because she cant have kids, and he deserves to have kids. As usual, everything ends up working out and they end up together. What makes this movie actually my favorite of three, is the twist in storyline. I like the whole “Troy being a part of his story”. It makes what seemed to be a mediocre movie, an absolutely amazing movie!
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