Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why so young?

Tuesday in class we discussed marriage now and marriage back then during Jane’s time and how some things are different and some things are the same. We always discussed about young marriage now a days and how relationships have changed. We questioned whether people today are still marrying for money instead of love and why so young, the sisters are young and trying to find a husband.

I think that marriage now a day is mostly based on love, there might be those few people out there that marry for money, like Pamela Anderson marrying that old old old man who was rich (she could have loved him but she probably loved his money). There are also cultures that arrange marriage; I am not sure how common this is anymore because some cultures have change to be more modern.

Now a day’s everyone is maturing faster than they used to. If you look at girls in elementary, they are already wearing makeup and going out, back then I was still playing with chalk! Because of increase maturity every couple thinks they are in love and get married early, I’m not saying this happens for everyone, some people are really in love but other rush into it. Also some couple got married before there significant other was shipped off or suppose to be shipped off for the war.

Some things about marriage and relationship are the same, but marrying for money is not common now, but getting married young still is.


  1. While I do agree that people still marry young, I'm not sure I agree that the reason for this is because people are maturing earlier. I realize that a lot of children today do dress and act a lot older than their ages, but I don't believe that it's because they're truly mature. They try only to ACT older, not that thy actually are older than their ages. In fact, in my opinion, I think that because they try to act older they aren't comfortable with their age, and a person's age is part of who they are. So I ask, if they aren't comfortable with who they are, are they really mature?

  2. I agree that many kids today are growing up way too fast. I think a huge reason could be how parenting has significantly gone down hill. Children are watching tv and playing nintendo games instead of playing outside or taking part in active hobbies. I'm sorry but something is wrong when a 10 year old is obese, and its not because its part of their genetics. These are all examples of how some parents aren't paying attention or being positive role models to their own children. Obviously there are still many good parents out there, but there needs to be change for the parents that don't care.
