Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pride and Prejudice (The Book)

Pride and Prejudice is one of the books I never thought I would ever read just because it was a book that I never thought I would be interested in reading.  I also tend to not like reading the books that get assigned to read for a class and find that I usually have to push myself to read the entire book.  So far, I can say that I don't mind reading this book, which is pleasantly surprising.  One thing that is maybe helping the fact for enjoying the book is that I had to watch the movie Bride and Prejudice last semester in Intro. to Film and that movie is based on the book.  The only difference between the book and Bride and Prejudice is that it is a Bollywood movie and it is set more currently but other than that it does follow the book pretty closely (at least to the extent we have read thus far).  I think it will be interesting watching the other versions of movies that are based on the book and see how they compare not only to the book but to the Bollywood version.

1 comment:

  1. You and me, both! I felt the same way about the book. I've seen the book on shelves, but never had an interest to pick it up or even want to read and finish it. Although, I haven't seen the movie Pride and Prejudice, I have seen the Bollywood version, Bride and Prejudice, and I absolutely loved it! I even went out and bought the movie.
