Why do we want love when most of the time all we get from love is heart aches, heart breaks, and pain. Well, love is a feeling that we know and feel, within ourselves, from the moment that we know we exist in this world. Love, sometimes not knowing what it is until it is lost, is the first thing that one feels and wants when thinking of another person. Whether the want is for someone to love us or for us to love someone.
I remember my first feelings of "love." It went all the way back when I was four, five years old. Wanting my parents favor and affections. There were grade school crushes and feelings that didn't go anywhere but inside my head. Then in junior and high school, were boys I liked, boys who liked me, and those who I didn't even want to have anything to do with. But those crushes, too, didn't get anywhere because we were either so embarrassed to look each other in the eye, get a conversation going or to even cross paths. So how where do I find that special someone?
Without even realizing it, I found love right beneath my nose. The neighborhood boy who always rode his bike out to play with my sisters, my cousins, and I. I could totally relate with Jane Austen's, Pride and Prejudice. Despite the different religion, social classes, and upbringing we each had, love blossomed. Our parents didn't want us to "date" or get to know each other because of our family differences. I had a "Mr. Collins" that my mother picked out for me. Or he had "wife-material" his mother picked out for him to marry. Our feelings for each other didn't matter as long as we married to benefit our families. In the end, we chose to follow the path our hearts keep pulling us towards and got married, despite what anyone said to us.
Because it's so hard to find that special someone to love. The "right" special someone for that love to be equally reciprocated. Someone to build a relationship to fill in the emptiness and loneliness. Someone to support, defend, and protect us. Someone to hold on to when there are nightmares that need to go away or comfort from loud thunder on a rainy night. And of course, to find someone to want to get married to, have tons of cute children with, and spend the rest of our lives growing old together with, right? Each one of us will just know if we found the right special someone cause we wouldn't want it any other way - with just anybody else.
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