This made me think of myself, and my dear, dear Grandma Betty. I pretty much love Grandma Betty more than life itself; please don't take this as an exaggeration because I do not intend it as one. On the list of most important people in my life, she comes second after my husband and is only then followed by my sister and my Mom. Quite simply, I adore her.
When I was little, I spent nearly every day at Grandma Betty's while my parents worked; as I grew older, summers were spent there. And among other things, Grandma and Katie LOVED to visit the library. We would ride the city bus, which to me was quite the novelty, and we would spend hours exploring, playing, and filling my bag with book after book after book. I went through the Flicka, Ricka, Dicka books, to the Boxcar children, and eventually VC Andrews. I knew the librarians by name and they knew me. And when we had exhausted our own imaginations, there was children's time. Grandma Betty introduced in me a love and respect of reading and all things book related that has lasted and I expect to last my entire life through. On "library days", I probably burned through three books at least between the time we got home and the time my Mom picked me up!
To me, the library is one of the best places on earth. I love to snuggle up into a cozy chair to read a magazine, and I love to walk among the shelves of books ~ so many books that I can't even reach the top! I even love to do my homework at one of the back tables by the windows, where I can people watch too. The library, for me, is a little piece of comfort and home. And, of course, Grandma Betty.
**I had hoped to find a picture of Grandma and I when I was little, but I didn't have one on my computer. I chose this one instead because I love the love and respect that was captured here.**
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