Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Final Blog

Well this being my last blog and all for this class I just want to say that I really enjoyed it! Sure, some of the books I thought were kind of a drag but in the end I did have some favorites (Their Eyes Were Watching God and Bet Me).I really didn't enjoy the last book at all, it was very um how do I say it nicely... boring. With all these books though the class has opened me up to different books by authors that I might not have ever read otherwise.
It was a real eye opener to learn so much about the different ways love can be evolved in a novel and in life. I liked how in class this week we focused on how a person should listen to their heart. Sometimes people just need to stop thinking so much and start going with their gut feelings.It's not like everything in life has to come along perfectly and fit into that ever so stereotypical "box". Change and discovering yourself can give you a chance to grow as a person which can create so many more possibilities for love. The fact is, most people tend to just focus on the end affects, getting a boy/girlfriend, marriage, and just even being in a relationship. They don't realize that everything takes time and you shouldn't rush. It's the journey that matters, not so much the destination. This can be applied both to reading the romance novels and life.

1 comment:

  1. i totally agree that people should go with their gut feelings and not think about things, they end up making mistakes when they use their head and not their heart.
