Friday, May 6, 2011
Those Childhood Weddings
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Grandma Betty

This English 281 course was an Awesome class with an Awesome Professor to lead us! I totally loved everything about it. From the discussions to the blogs to the readings. I have to confess that I didn't care much for some of the books that were required to be read because I'm not used to that style of reading, but that's up to the Professor. At least the books weren't boring like some articles that I've read in the past. I wished all college courses were like this course.
The last reading Nora Roberts, Vision in White, brought back childhood memories. Although, I forgot to count how many times I got married to my sisters, cousins, and even to make-believe husbands that went off to war. LOL. I feel that because each and everyone of us have different backgrounds and different views on things and so, there are many different writers for many different readers. All in all, I liked the book because there are some parts that I could relate to and made the reading kind of realistic. I sorta got lost trying to figure out who's talking and who's who in the beginning but that's because there were too many characters to start out with. It could have been better, but in reality, every single one of her books can't all be wonderful and liked through and through. Different, unique, individual quality of things is what makes life interesting!
A Trend with in the books...and a Little bit of Vision.
Mac's mother has an exceedingly large impact upon how Mac view's love, which creates a Commitment problem, which also makes her worry that all guys are the same, and that she's just going to be left. Her father barely acknowledges her, because her parents divorced and he left. Her mom just burdens her with all her love problems, and comes running to her for money and comfort, which leads to Linda taking advantage of her, putting Mac under extreme stress.
Luckily, Carter changes that for Mac. She was uncertain, but Carter really stuck with her. He really loved her! Which is something she deserves, since it helps her get over that, everyone deserves true love!
I liked this book a lot, it wasn't my favorite. I think Nora Roberts could have expanded Mac's story into another novel or two...and probably do that for all the other books that are in this series. But it's really not a bad novel. I liked it and I will probably read more of her work.
The End...
The Laaaaasst Melon! (Ice Age)
Disappointment in Nora Roberts
I also wish there had been a more intense conflict. It just seemed like there wasn't a huge, dramatic, earth shattering conflict like there usually are in most books. Really, the only issue was Mac's issue with commitment, and that didn't seem very difficult to overcome. It was really disappointing to me. I was expecting something bigger to happen. I thought that Corrine was going to come back - that would have been a great conflict and I think Nora Roberts missed out on a great opportunity to add a lot of drama to her book. I just found it very disappointing, which made Mac and Carter's relationship less satisfying at the end.
I was pretty disappointed in Nora Roberts, actually. She's such a hyped up author and she's written so many books that have pretty much all been on the bestseller's lists. I was expecting more from her book. And maybe it was because she's so hyped up I was disappointed. My expectations were so high, maybe it made it impossible for anyone to be able to meet them.
Last blog
Too many good books!
It is quite saddening to know that this is the last blog and that class is almost over. I liked most of the books that we read, and I loved the discussions about them, too. It was always interesting to see what people had to say about the characters or a certain scene. This class has definitely made me think of different ways of analyzing various situations. It has also made me aware that romance novels are not bad or tacky, I read books that I didn't think I would ever read in just one semester and it has opened my eyes to this wonderful genre. I can't wait to read more this summer!
The Final Blog
It was a real eye opener to learn so much about the different ways love can be evolved in a novel and in life. I liked how in class this week we focused on how a person should listen to their heart. Sometimes people just need to stop thinking so much and start going with their gut feelings.It's not like everything in life has to come along perfectly and fit into that ever so stereotypical "box". Change and discovering yourself can give you a chance to grow as a person which can create so many more possibilities for love. The fact is, most people tend to just focus on the end affects, getting a boy/girlfriend, marriage, and just even being in a relationship. They don't realize that everything takes time and you shouldn't rush. It's the journey that matters, not so much the destination. This can be applied both to reading the romance novels and life.
Last Blog
Increasing Technology
But today in class we talked about the ibooks and other things replacing the library and that soon technology will replace more than that... Well at work customers when they use the self-checks for the first time they always joke that it will replace real cashiers. and every time i tell them it can never replace us because there are too many errors in the system and errors made by the user. And then there are the people who refuse to even try it and prefer a cashier.
Technology will always grow and upgrade but i don't think it will ever replace a real person. The systems and programs will never be error free. Even if technology became more popular and replace people's jobs there is still someone needed to fix the machines.
Patience in love...
Crying Is A Secret Strategy
The other thing I wanted to comment on was the discussion about 'crying, a secret strategy' that women use to get their way and etc. I found that to be very interesting and funny because women are emotional as men are fixers. Then when men tell us not to cry while we are crying, we cry even more. I do not know the reason why this is so, but it intrigues me.
perfect ending
Class is almost done already???
The Perfect Wedding
Sunday, May 1, 2011
vision in white.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wedding Memory

Thursday, April 28, 2011
long hair dont care
If I could plan (without my humanitarian persona striking up) the perfect wedding it would be organic yet still consistent of the glamorous materialistic aspects of the modern wedding. This somewhat bothers me, but at the same time I have already encountered in my own life a wedding that was small and did not end up being what it cracked up to be. At the time it was love and we felt that it did not matter if we made a big spectacle of the union. So, all we did was pick up our marriage licenses and scheduled a courthouse ceremony for 2 days later. Not only was it small and quick, but we did it on my birthday behind my mother’s back. My mother was extremely against us even dating, and we thought that going and getting hitched would be so romantic. To be honest I really do not recall any of the ceremony, and I just recall that we were literally standing as far away from each other as we possibly could. I also remember that the judge seemed rather judgmental and that afterwards we went and assisted his sister with her rummage sale. Needless to say we divorced two months later, and it was a complete failure in every aspect. Now, I am not saying that our marriage ended because of how we got married, but I will say that it does seem pointless, not that big of a deal, and less intimate. If I were to ever get married again, I would want more elements of the modern day wedding for a few reasons. One being that I think that the planning aspect creates an extra attachment and excitement into the future you and your mate have. Two, you get enjoy sharing this moment with friends and family. Three, the time it takes to plan the wedding allows for you to be made sure if you are making the correct decision.
On the other hand, if I were to look at this in a large frame and my own belief system, the whole corporate outtake of weddings turns me away from the idea. If the statistic for average cost of a wedding is true, $24,000, than I am really turned off. Not for my own personal fiscal reasons, but more so in the fact that there are so many poor and starving families out there. Also, it just seems now a day’s people are just trying to outdo everyone else they know, by having the biggest and most extravagant wedding of anybody. It can go to the point where the actual meaning behind your vows start to be hidden behind an egotistical materialistic need. Where the dress and the cake are more important than the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. What people need to start doing is finding a nice medium instead of either selling out or sucking the fun out of it.
My Perfect Day
Wedding Fever!!!
me and my bridesmaids
And they lived happily ever least most of the time :)
strong women.
This propbably makes no sense if you dont know Sex and the City. But I love the show and movies so i hooked to this book pretty quickly. I love the idea that they all keep so close and make eachother stronger and know eachother so well. I like that they don't rely on men for happiness and find it in themselves. These are the role models I look up to. Plus women get women more then I think all the men put together could.
I like that Carter doesn't really know much about dating and kind of gives her the ropes in the relationship. This is much more realistic to modern relationships. In my personal opinion women have more control over what happens in the relationship, and the guy is usually ok with whatever that is. Conflict may occur but like most people say "women always win fights." I think the innocence of Carter's character is so cute. Compared to Cal's player status in Bet Me. And i think their relationship will grow into a cute one because they won't get bored of eachotehr... they seem to constantly be interesting or teaching eachother something new.
Wedding details
We even talked about some traditions of other weddings.
I think a wedding isnt a wedding without the few things to make it significant, it shouldnt just be another day in your life like the rest. It doesnt need to be as big as the royal wedding, but my sister had a court house wedding. We all dressed up and they invited there family and close friends to the court house and the Judge read the vows and they had a photographer and a dinner and cake... and of course the rings. It was nothing expensive but it was memorable and stood out, it wasnt just an ordinary day it was special. It wasnt going to put them too far into debt but it was a wedding. I don't remember there being big gift basket but we had little bottles we got from walmart and filled with white wedding bell shaped mints and red jelly bellies, and for a label, my mom print off them on address labels off the computer. Nothing big, nothing too fancy but it was not just an ordinary day.
My wedding will not need to be big and special. I would want a dress, a ring and a dinner with family and friends, but I don't need a whole hall, or the deco and the load of flowers everywhere and the ribbons and bows. my aunt could prob take my pictures and my mom will help me with little goody bags and treats... Nothing big but something out of the ordinary of a normal day and something memorable.
Vision In White
Love and Beauty
Of course, if you add up all the costs and everything you need to do, it makes sense that it would cost that much. Like when we stripped down what a wedding basically needs, the cost was so much more reasonable, but if it were me, I would want a bit more of a celebration. I'm not saying that I want to have a $30,000 wedding with 300 guests - I don't even think I know that many people - in a 5 star hotel. I just want to be able to celebrate one of the biggest days of my life. Like, just a small ceremony in my backyard with some friends and close family - as in people I know, because most of my family I don't know, and that's just awkward - would be great. There are tons of ways to cut corners on costs, too. I don't know what all of them are, but for example, you can make your own invitations, make your own cake, do your own decorations, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with cutting corners to save money. That way you can still have money to start your lives together without having to pay the bills for 4 years after, and still have what I think would be a great wedding.
love this book
At the beginning of the book, when Mac discovers she loves photography there was a quote in there that stood out to me, and still does, that I just love, "Maybe happy ever after was bull, but she knew she wanted to take more pictures of moments that were happy. Because then they were ever after". I adore that quote, I'm sure I will always remember it because it has so much meaning and its just so true about photography, I'm not into photography or anything myself, but it that quote just helps me understand her love for it.
Bet Me turned out to be a really good book and I thought that after reading that one, Vision in White would bore me, but I'm happy to say that's not the case. I'm hoping that Mac gets to go through the whole Wedding planning for her own wedding before the book ends. If it ends without her getting married I'll be very disappointed.
Picture Perfect Vision
The characters are written fabulously: they each have their own unique traits and backgrounds that add to the overall story. As with "Bet Me," I feel like I could actually meet the people in this book--like I could have an actual conversation with them. For example, Mac's personality is so vivid that you don't have to guess how she might be feeling or how you would feel in that situation. There was no second guessing.
Another aspect of the novel that I love is the prologue, and that's saying something because I usually skip it after the first few pages. However, I think it really eased the reader into Mac's personality without just being thrust into it. Those first few pages also gave loads of insight on the other three friends, too. Again, instead of tossing the girls in there, the reader is allowed some background and illustration of all of their personalities.
I have to say, Nora Roberts, you certainly surprised me. I never thought I would ever actually buy a book of yours and now I have to buy three more....What, did you think I was just going to read one?!
Ahhh.. it's a fairy tale!
The big story in the news lately is William and Kate's royal wedding. I'm excited to see what interesting things they end up doing for it!
Something else that I thought was really cute was a fact today in class, the one about the Egyptians and how they put the wedding ring on the third finger on the left hand because they thought that the vein in that finger went straight to the heart. This little tradition has followed through time and is still prevalent today. I wonder if William and Kate will start a new tradition for other couples/ brides/ grooms.
Vision in White
I thought it was cute how Carter tells Mac that he had a crush on her in highschool, and just makes things extremely awkward for himself and Mac likes how he is. She tries to get her mind off of him by going clubbing in New York, but that doesn't work either. They have natural chemestry, and seem to just.."click"together.
Another thing that I enjoy about the book is how four childhood friends start a wedding business together, and all live together on the property where their business is located, and are extremely successful doing so.
What is really cool is how in the prologue, that Roberts uses the moment in where Mac takes a picture of her best friends, doing another pretend wedding, and that turns out to be the moment where Mac realizes that being behind the camera is where she truly belongs.
That moment makes me think that it is foreshadowing for when Mac gets married, so then she's going to be the center of attention, the main focus in the camera, instead of the one doing the work behind it.
This book is written maturely, has cute and dorky moments which creates a nice, light humor that a lot of the other books we have previously read this semester seem to lack.
I'm excited to finish this novel, and maybe continue onto the rest of the books in the quartet.
In relation to the novel, it is clear that the wedding industry is a big business in America. It is easy to see how much money these businesses make off of weddings. If the annual cost of a wedding is around $24,000-imagine how much these companies are thriving off that expense. In the book, it is easy to see that the women in this business are well off financially. Especially in the case of Mackenzie borrowing her mother $3,000! It shows how successful these women have become with their separate careers, molding them all together to create this business. I think this is a great example of strong female success. These women created this business together and it seems to be their main priority in their lives. I like the feeling of family between the girls, it reminds me of shows like Sex and the City and similar conversations we've held in class. So far, I like this book much better than Bet Me. I find the characters inspiring, engaging and strong willed. I absolutely love the character Carter, he might not have the same appeal Healthcliff had, but he is wonderful in his own dorky way. Dorks are generally sexier than the testaorone fueled macho man, in my general opinion.
the perfect wedding
The Magical Moment of the Bride and her Dress
That is the moment when your life changes your go from being a single person, coming and going as you please. Making decisions, solo decisions on which paths to take in life because it is your life you as the individual. Then the day comes that is to be the best day of your life your wedding day the day you go from single to a couple where every decision you make you make as a team because it no longer just effects you it effects you both. You do things as a team together. There is no more how will this change my life it’s how will it change us or effect us as a whole?
I always thought of that moment as the last change you have to change your mind or it’s the first reminder of how much you love the other person and why you want to spend the rest of your life with them. It reinforces that feeling and knowledge that you cannot see yourself spending the rest of your life without that person. That is one of the most magical moments of the wedding day and the fact that Nora Roberts ever so slightly through it in to the first chapter impressed me. The fact that it is such a big moment and she realized it and knew to add that to the story.
The "M" word!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Romance Novels..
Bet Me was incredibly inspiring for me in numerous aspects. I am a lot like Minerva in many ways, I am extremely insecure about my weight, am strong willed/determined, hard working, obsessed with a dead musician (Kurt Cobain), and a “hard ass” to men. Since, the book was written in a realistic aspect, it allows a reader with these qualities to feel that they can gain it all. That a “Prince” will corrupt their stability and blow them away, an amazing man that will look past her insecurities and “bitchy” behavior. A handsome and intelligent man that will love her for who she really is---good and bad.
I am looking forward to the next novel we are going to read, in hopes this new trend will continue. Thank you for allowing the modern feminist the chance to experience and actually enjoy the “Romance” genre for what it can be; feminist women who can still find a place for love in their hectic lives. Also, our discussions and this summer plan on reading more of Jennifer Cruise’s awesome novels!
bitter cynthia
Porno or Not?
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Love With Style
Is Bet Me Pornographic?
Based on these points, I really don't think that the sex scene in Bet Me was pornographic at all. I think it was just a way to finally express all the sexual tension between Cal and Min and, while I think the book would have worked without that scene, I think it worked a whole lot better with that scene. There just didn't seem to be anything pornographic about it. It didn't have any of the elements we discussed.
We also talked about the epilogue that Jennifer Crusie put into the book. The general thought about it seemed to be that people didn't like it. I, however, did like it. I actually like when authors put those sorts of endings into their books because I like to know just a basic summary of what happens after big huge story. For me, it's easier to put a book down and have a feeling of closure. It's more satisfactory for me.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was how everyone seemed to think that it was unrealistic for Min and Cal's families to go to Min's apartment to stop Cal from "seducing Min." To me, it seemed totally realistic because my dad's very protective of me. If he ever got a strange call saying some guy was seducing me to win a bet, he would definitely come to my house. He would probably bring his shotgun with him! And I'm not kidding. So, to me, it made perfect sense for Min's family, at least, to go to protect her. And it made sense for Cal's mom to go so that she wouldn't have to worry about him shaming her family - even though it didn't work.
fairy tales and friends, among other things...
When we talked about families and how we can't get away from them I think that's definitely true. But at the same time in the book how Min and Cal had their families they made from friends, I think this is a rather common thing these days. I have this with my friends, we are family. You get to be yourself and sometimes it feels like they know you more than your actually family. With my group of friends, we have been friends since seventh grade and even though we go through our rough patches, I'll know that things will eventually work out...
In today's discussion about porn, I thought it was weird that no one mentioned the negative aspect of people abusing it. Maybe no one sees this as negative but I do. I think that people can enjoy it but some people are so addicted to it, that it's all they do. If it affects their normal life than it's a problem!!
Lastly I wanted to just say that cultural differences with just talking about sex and porn can be vastly different! On my dad's side they are Muslims and I can't even imagine having our class discussion with them present. (Mostly the older generations since my cousins are mostly Americanized). Even with them being Americanized, it just seems so unimaginable for them to even talk about those topics with out being uncomfortable!!
Bet Me, Porn & Body Image

At 5'9'' she weighed 95 pounds.
Pornography... Photography, whats the diff
Define Porn :) ♥
"I can't define it, but I know it when I see it."That is a decent definition of what porn is because porn can be seen in a variety of ways. The list on the board was pretty interesting and silly too; some of the topics would intefere with the other and then the discussion would get heated up a bit.
I would have to agree with Amanda (I think that is her name) about the debate why pornography is okay to watch, but prostituition is not okay. And to find out that the first part of pornography means prostitution in Greek-that was quite a surprise. It kind of contradicts the whole issue of why it is okay for women to get paid for pornography, while prostitution is not okay. This is a great issue to think about, because I do not have an exact answer to this question.
Referring to the book, I did not enjoy the ending as much. It sounded too 'Disney' for me; the whole epilogue and the characters all summed up in a happily ever after. It just seemed to be too fast, at the same time I can understand why it was written to end that way. After the discussion of Min's character and how afraid she was of how the relationship with Cal would end ... but I thought love conquers all? Which means, Min should not be afraid of what would happen between Cal and her because he loves and decided to marry her? But as you have stated, the ending of the book provides an emotionally good kind of feeling with a happy ending. This happy ending is the level of hope that rides between Min and Cal from start to finish.
*Also, Christine's presentation of her romance books was fantastic! It really tied in with our conversation of pornography and how readers feel about it. Love it! ♥
Check out "Let's talk about sex" by Salt an' Pepa
Fairy Tale Endings Change As We Do
Which is another thing unto itself let's talk about that for a minute. The average Disney story is about a girl or princess who has some major problem or issue in their lives that they need to work through and the only way they can get through this problem is with the aid of the prince; they never seem to be able to work through their own problems on their own they always need the help from prince charming to solve them. What does that say to young girls? That they can not possible solve a problem or make it through life without the aid of a man. I know that they are just stories for the amusement of little ones, what when you start to think about the true meanings of these stories and look deeper into what is really going on it makes your think what are these films really representing?
But bask to the ever adapting fairy tale ending. You grow and change as a person so your fairy tale should grow and change with you and adapt to your needs and what you ultimately want and don't want. It is a great thing fairy tales it helps keep your dreams alive and helps to push forward when times are bad they are like a really great novel. They are apart of our dreams and how we are as girls and women. I even think that the fairy tales we had as little girls helped aid us in some of the decisions we made as we grew into women to put us in the right path of achieving our own true fairy tale ending.
Bet Me
One of the things I found interesting was the aspect of Min's body image throughout the novel. In the beginning of the book she's insecure and has no confidence in her physical appearance. Like Cal had pointed out to her, she "dressed like she hates her body". Which seemed to hold true from the descriptions of her style in the first few chapters. By the end of the book she has more confidence in her physical appearance and a lot of this seems to be due to Cal's influence. We talked about this in class earlier this week but it was still something I keep thinking of, especially while I was reading the book. It's wonderful that he helped her self esteem but this confidence seems to be largely dependent on him. I have a feeling if they were to split up, permanently, this confidence would not still be present. Even just from the moments in the book when she became unsure of their relationship, her mindset easily sank into depression and that confidence seemed to vanish. Maybe I'm just a cynical person but I don't necessarily find confidence that depends upon a significant other to be healthy. The types of people that base their self worth on what others perceive are usually the ones who have the hardest time coping when they do go through a break-up, etc. It just doesn't seem like a healthy concept to me. It's wonderful that he helped her find confidence but I don't know if it's necessarily as fulfilling if that confidence is solely dependent on another person's approval/love/etc.
Overall, this book wasn't my favorite of the ones we've read. It was entertaining and easier to relate to since it is set in a more recent time period. Perhaps it was just the character of Min that discouraged me from really enjoying it. Don't get me wrong, she is definitely an enjoyable character, but she had some attributes I had a hard time agreeing with (as I mentioned above).
Fairy tale or Porn?
My fairytale
Feminist Fiction?
In the article that we read a couple weeks ago, Let Us Now Praise Scribbling Women, Jennifer Crusie suggests that the genre of romance fiction is in fact a new form of feminist fiction. Her argument for this statement is that romance fiction offers “female protagonists in stories that promised that if a woman fought for what she believed in and searched for the truth, she could strip away the old lies about her life and emerge re-born, transformed with that new sense of self that’s the prize at the end of any quest.” Crusie seems to imply that it is better for women to be portrayed this way, and that this form of writing truly represents the “stories of women”.
In Bet Me, Min does seem to fit Crusie’s criteria for the romance fiction to a T. In the beginning of the story, Min is self-conscious and allows her opinion of herself to be formed by others, but by the end of the story we see Min emerge as her own person, transformed throughout the story to become her best possible self.
I have to politely disagree with Crusie’s criteria for the romance genre. While Crusie argues that this new female portrayal represents feminism, I think it does just the opposite, and her character Min is a great example. Although Min does make quite a transformation throughout the book, it seems that she is doing it simply to acquire the “prize” of a dreamy man. To me, Crusie seems to be implying that women’s one quest in life should be to find a man, and then do whatever she can to hold on tight. While Crusie calls this feminism, I would call this another way for women to try to fit themselves into a man-centric society. Rather than strong and courageous, Min strikes me as meek and somewhat pitiful, and doesn’t seem to ever find out who she wants to be, just for herself.
Bet Me and Other Relationships
Another time when relationships have an impact upon their relationship is because of their Family. Cal's nephew also seems to bring Mel closer to their family, simply because he pretty much just loves her, and Mel really likes him as well. Mel's mother is very nit-picky, and very rude to Mel, always nagging on her about her diet, about her looks, her weight and doesn't seem to fully appreciate Mel. Cal's parents don't appear very much in this novel, but they are very cold, and Cal can't stand going to dinner with them every third Sunday.
Another relationship that overcomes in this novel, isn't by a person, but by a Cat. Not just any cat, a Cat that Cal accidentally let into Mel's apartment - whom Mel adopted and named Elvis. Yes, it was by mistake, but the cat brings them closer together and almost helps mold them into "a family." Elvis is truly happy with Mel, and he likes Calvin. He's probably the only one that is fully accepting of them in the novel, Ha ha.
This novel is very cute, and fun and sexy. Mel and Cal tend to let the opinion and relationships of others dictate how they should be to and with each other. They really break that trend in the last few chapters, when they are together in Mel's apartment, and they are "fooling around" and both of their parents, friends, ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, all barge in. The families and friends are doubtful of their love for each other, so because of that, Cal proposes to Mel (with a doughnut as the ring) to prove to them that this is real. Of course he redoes it later on with a real ring, but still.
This is a very good novel, and I'm really glad that it was chosen for this class. I'm excited to see what'll happen in our next novel! :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Fables and Fairytales.
Our dream may change over time and we may not get exactly what we dreamed about. We might not get that knight in shining armor that saves us from the evil witch or from the dragon in the tall tower. But we all get what we want in the end. We end with our own fairytale, one that is just as good. It might not have dragons and a big beautiful wedding gown and a ball but it give us our happily ever after.