Another thing I would like to talk about is the three big love theories discussed in the novel. We have the “fairytale” romance theory, the psychological steps in love theory, and the chaos theory. Bonnie and Roger are in fact the definition of the “fairytale” romance. Bonnie and Roger fell head over heels at first sight, and knew that the other would want to marry them at an exact same time frame. Bonnie constantly talks about the Prince Charming who would come and pick her up off her feet, rescuing her from the normal world. Both are severely optimistic and can see a future of eternal happiness for them. Then we have Cynthie’s theory that she is an “expert” on. She believes in a set order of states the relationship must take, with concrete definitions, and predictable outcomes. Unfortunately she still believes that Cal will come back to her and complete this theory, which she then will be able to complete her novel and have their picture in. What she does not realize is that her own theory is being proven, in the stage her and Cal are “supposed” to be in, the couple decides if they will spend their lives together. He just decided that he does not, and she has decided that they will. Then we have Tony’s chaos theory, that no matter what you do, how hard you try to avoid them, or any precautions you set that there is a magnetic pull that bring you together. A fate theory that can come into your life at any point and disrupt the whole stability of your current life.
With that said, I believe all three theories are at play within Cal and Minerva’s romance. Though, it seems the chaos theory is the largest component, they all have their place. As we discussed in class, the food kind of acts as they magnet for their attraction, and we also went in to detail numerous other times about how the chaos theory is at play. So, instead of restating the already spoken, I will show examples of the other two theories at play. Cynthie’s theory is working inexact pattern, they have had the attraction, the infactuation, and so on; and though they may ignore what family and friends may say(since it is split), the steps still continue. Cynthie even realizes this within the novel and constantly warns David, and no matter what they do to interfere it does not matter, they are too far into the formula of her theory. The fairy tale is evident as well, though they are elongating the process, it is there. He treats he like a princess, brings her food, finds her long lost snow globe, brings her a cat, feeds her, and stands up for her. Her mother is more like an evil stepmother, and she even states that fact. Also, there is a wedding involved, and she is waiting for that prince(“Elvis”). Also, her snow globes are Disney(weird) and are couples. It all interconnects, and all the theories interconnect.
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